Meet the team!

Meet the team!

Kerri - Owner/designer

Kerri is the owner and designer at Helpful Little Pictures. She started the business after creating visuals to support her son Harrison when he was placed on the waiting list for an Autism assessment. Using her degree in Design she loves seeing ideas come to life and the impact they have in the home. When she isn’t busy creating visuals you can find her being  Mummy to a little ball of energy! 

Likes - Yoga, coffee, comedy podcasts

Dislikes - messy house, mushrooms and unplanned outings

Special power - multitasking!


Harrison - Product tester

Harrison exploring lego model of Earth

Harrison is the youngest member of our team and definitely has the most energy! He plays a vital role in the team as product tester and his unfiltered honesty is just what we need! When he’s not trying out our visuals you can find him zooming around the house playing with toys or setting up obstacle courses. 

Likes - Spiderman, kinder bars and marble runs

Dislikes - Vegetables, being bored and tidying up!

Special power - magic hugs that make the whole world right!


Stuart - Taxi/therapist

Stuart licensed driver, unlicensed therapist. Stuart works  full time as a software engineer but always makes time for last minute dashes to the printers to pick up orders or to drop Kerri off at work events. He also patiently lends an ear to all the ideas and stresses she rambles out daily! When he’s not working he fills his time being Daddy to Harrison, granting all requests to play wrestling and nerf guns!

Likes - running, reading and gaming

Dislikes - last minute changes, using the washing machine, dark mornings

Special power - keeping everyone's head screwed on

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